UX & Conversions

UX & Conversions
26 September 2023     645

UX & Conversions

If you are interested in streamlining and refining your UX, you might want to avoid some common mistakes that can ruin your user experience and drive away potential customers. In this blog post, we will share with you some of the most frequent errors that we have seen in conversion projects and how to fix them.

1. Buttons

If you do not make a clear distinction between primary and secondary buttons, you risk confusing your users and messing up your nav system. You also wanna focus on the more prominent CTAs, so that the rest of the buttons work around it, with it in mind. People make all kinds of mistakes with buttons, here are some of them:

- Using colors that blend in with the background or do not contrast well with the text.
- Using vague or generic labels that do not communicate the value or urgency of the action.
- Using too many buttons that confuse or overwhelm the user.
- Placing buttons too far from the content or the eye level of the user.
- Making buttons too small or too big that affect the readability or usability.

a desk

2. Asymmetry

Asymmetry can be a powerful tool to create visual interest and balance in your design, but only if you use it intentionally and strategically. If you use asymmetry randomly or unnecessarily, you will likely create a chaotic and unprofessional look that completely throws off users and that will almost assuredly result in frustration.

They are also ways of breaking patterns, which can be useful to guide user attention. But, you need to use distortions sparingly and purposefully, such as:

- To emphasize a specific element or message.
- To create movement or direction.
- To create contrast or variety.
- To match your brand identity or tone.

3. Forms

Forms are another essential element of any website or app that allows users to input information, such as their name, email address, password, preferences, etc. However, no one likes long forms, especially when they are on websites that are supposed to be more or less fun.

There are also problems with clarity, people often misunderstand what is asked of them, how to proceed, how to input some data, etc. E.g., if you do not tell your users what format they need to enter their phone number or date of birth, or if you do not show them an error message when they enter something wrong.

a decoration

There is also the problem of asking too much info. E.g., when you ask your users for their address or credit card details when they just want to subscribe or download a file. One, it is fishy and makes you seem untrustworthy. Two, it makes the whole process longer and more annoying. Work on the following:

- Use descriptive labels and placeholders for each field.
- Use clear instructions and examples for each field.
- Use validation and feedback to guide and reassure your users.
- Use progressive disclosure to show only the fields that are needed at each step.
- Use conditional logic to show only the fields that are relevant for each user.

4. Too much text

People rarely wanna read too much of anything online. Especially from some random blog or website. The faster they can get the information, the more satisfied they usually are. So you wanna make sure you at least take that into account a little bit. Here are some ways to do that:

- Use headings and subheadings to organize and summarize your text.
- Use bullet points and lists to highlight key points and make your text easier to scan.
- Use images, icons, or videos to complement or replace your text.
- Use whitespace to create contrast and focus on your text.
- Use short sentences and simple words to make your text clear and concise.

an office

5. Hierarchization

Hierarchy helps users to understand the structure and meaning of your content and to navigate through it. If you do not think through the alignment of various elements on a page with hierarchy in mind, your navigation will suffer for it. To avoid this, you can use hierarchy in your text and content in the following ways:

- Use size, color, or style to differentiate your text elements, such as titles, subtitles, body text, etc.
- Use alignment, spacing, or grouping to create a logical flow and connection between your content elements, such as images, icons, buttons, etc.
- Use contrast, emphasis, or animation to draw attention and highlight important information or actions.
- Use grids or patterns to create a consistent and balanced look for your pages or screens.

If you are interested in more UX mistakes, you could check out our two previous blogs on the topic right here (1, 2).

